Zeppelin Systems Latin America ensures quality and installs bag filters system at FMC Technologies' plant

FMC Technologies is a well-known company with a background of more than 130 years of achievements in employment generation and improvements in rural areas and people’s life.
It was in 1883 that Mr. John Bean, a North American retired inventor, built a pulverizing pump for spraying agricultural pesticides.
His goal was to fight more efficiently against plague-ridden orchards of almond trees in California that put the whole harvest at risk. His invention was a great success; besides of meeting his objective it was the first step to start FMC Corporation.
Headquartered in Campinas-SP and Uberaba-MG, FMC has demonstrated its vocation in developing an extensive range of products that control agriculture plagues, harmful weeds and other diseases in plantations, such as soybeans, corn, cotton, sugarcane, rice, fruits, vegetables, coffee and tobacco, among others.
Through investments in customer orientated researches, new technologies, safety and particularly through motivated people, FMC remains being the leading company in cotton and sugar markets.
In order to consolidate and raise its leadership, FMC recently expanded its facility in Uberaba.
To assure the wellbeing of its coworkers and preserve the environment, FMC has acquired from Zeppelin Systems an exhaust system with bag filter and absolute filters, reaching filtering and dust collection efficiency rates exceeding the expected values.
In the following years, FMC aims at achieving an even higher quality and growth standard.
To this end FMC is planning investments in new technologies while taking care of people and environment.
Zeppelin Systems Latin America is proud of its participation in this important project and remains available for any further inquiries.
Ricardo B. dos Santos