Exhaust and dedusting system

Safeguard of air cleanliness is a matter of increasing concern to industries and authorities all over the world.
Selection of proper pollution control equipment is, therefore, of vital importance. Reliability, capacity and capture efficiency requirements concerning the admissible emission rates imposed by law and future regulations are paramount.
The use of an exhaust system coupled with a dedusting system provided with fabric filters is very important to industries that release polluting particles to the air. Mostly the powder retained in the filter is reused in the manufacturing process, a fact that helps to shorten the return time of the investment. Another important aspect is that the absence of pollution, apart from protecting the environment, also avoids labor processes motivated by unhealthful activities.
Zeppelin Systems has experience and know-how to offer complete systems (turnkey) as well as training of professionals involved in process and operation.
The systems are designed and manufactured in Zeppelin Systems' LA modern plant in Sao Bernardo do Campo, Brazil, according to Zeppelin's international technology and traditional high quality.
All delivered equipment comply with the environmental regulations and meets with the requirements of specialized industries.
Zeppelin's engineering team is available to provide for the information you need and to visit your installations.
Ricardo B. Santos