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Dust removal systems

Exhaust and dedusting systems for pneumatic conveying

The main purpose of a dust removal system is to avoid that particles in suspension are released directly to the atmosphere, in order to reduce environmental pollution generated by the most different production processes, such as milling, melt shops, power plants, steel works, cement & minerals, fabrication processes of plastics, rubber, food and chemicals, among others.

»Dust removal systems provide for a cleaner environment, free of particles in suspension.«

Collection of dust at the source

The quality of the air and the constant preoccupation in avoiding emissions of pollutants has led to more and more demanding international agreements. Many industries all over the world have adapted their production processes so that they do not exceed the limits imposed by law.

Reduced impact on the environment

Typical characteristics and advantages:

- Complete systems with devices to reduce particles in suspension;
- Use of filtering elements that are appropriate for the process requirements;
- Hygiene - comfort - safety;
- Control of emission of pollutants;
- Reuse of materials from production processes;
- Odor and gas reduction, avoiding fires and explosions;
- Preservation of the industrial installations;
- Safer and more reliable environmental conditions.

Besides dust removal systems, Zeppelin Systems LA offers a complete line of equipment for storage, handling and conveying of dry bulk materials, either in powder or pellets.

Whenever you need dust removal systems, contact Zeppelin Systems Latin America, your reliable partner for success!


Bag filter


bag filters (refining of zinc oxide)

Filter Bag

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