Zeppelin Systems Latin America receives the group meeting of VDMA Plastic and Rubber Machines

Zeppelin, on 17th March, 2017, had the opportunity to open installations for the Brazilian Meeting of Plastic and Rubber Machines – (Verband Deutscher Maschinen - und Anlagenbau e.V) - VDMA.
Specialists from many German and Brazilian companies from Plastic and Rubber areas were present.
The international meeting were composed by: Mr. Thorsten Kühmann, Manager from VDMA Plastics and Rubber Machinery (Germany), Dr. Harald Weber, VDMA plastics and Rubber Machinery (Germany) and Mr. - ing. Klaus Schützer, Universidade metodista de Piracicaba – UNIMEP, Mr. Luiz Augusto Lopes Paulino, Dannemann Siemsen and Engineer Ricardo Borges dos Santos, Zeppelin Systems Latin America Manager.
The group discussed clearly subjects of the segment interest, including:
• Inovation and news from German market and from other important countries;
• Industry 4.0 – Machines Network for Plastic and Rubber machines – a general view;
• Support activities VDMA;
• Ex – tariff and technology transference protection;
• Experiences change about marketing meetings in Brazil and South America.
This event provided an opportunity for the specialists of the process segment of plastic and rubber, discuss current ideas from the Brazil company.
Congratulations to VDMA for the enterprise of organizing this meeting and for all specialists who made part of this success action. Zeppelin hopes the effort of everyone keeps getting awesome results for all of us!
Ricardo Santos