Qualified welders from Zeppelin Systems Latin America, Brazil, helped german parent company at the silo plant in Mexico

Braskem Idesa S.A.P.I., a joint-venture between Braskem S.A. and the Idesa S.A. de C.V. Group, Mexico, is building a new plant for the production of polyethylene at the Petrochemical Complex of Coatzacoalcos in Veracruz, Mexico, scheduled to start operation in 2015.
In the course of a common project the construction of this plant has been awarded to Odebrecht, Technip and ICA Fluor.
The new Mexican plant will have a total capacity of 1.050.000 t/y of polyethylene, divided in two segments, one for the production of 300.000 t/y of low density polyethylene (LDPE) the other comprising two lines for the production of 350.000 and 400.000 t/y of high density polyethylene (HDPE).
For the production of low density polyethylene they chose the Lyondell-Basell process technology Lupotech T.
Zeppelin Systems, GmbH, Friedrichs-hafen, Germany, was awarded with the supply of silos and mixers.
From the scope of supply, seven silos have already been exported from Germany last year and were assembled at the site by German and Brazilian specialists in record time.
Also the first six mixers have already been installed at the new plant.
The Brazilian team that participated in the assembling was congratulated for the excellent work done together with the German team.
ZEPPELIN SYSTEMS LATIN AMERICA (Brazil) is proud for having helped in this important Braskem Idesa S.A.P.I. enterprise in Mexico, a company that stands out for its vision of the future and market leadership.
Ricardo Santos