General Motors do Brasil invests in silos for storage of plastic resins - Gravataí

In 2010, when it increased production to 350,000 vehicles per year in the Onix Project, and in August 2017, when it was announced an investment of R$ 1.4 billion in the complex. The value is part of the company's investment plan in the country that totals R$ 13 billion between 2014 and 2019, where it has the largest production capacity of the Chevrolet brand in the South America.
In this last expansion, with the objective of in-creasing the productivity and automation of the injection molding of plastic parts, the Gravataí factory invested in 02 (two) silos for the storage of plastic resins.
Thus giving continuity to its plan to increase the export of automobiles.
Zeppelin silos are designed for the best logistics concept of solid, powdered or granular raw materials available on the market.
The concept of storing raw materials in silos is increasingly present in manufacturing plants. The reason is the great gain that the acquisition generates when migrating from a concept of big bags or bags, which generate waste, contamination of raw materials, large logistics costs with forklifts and labor for handling, be-sides the need to have a roofed area, whose costs are much higher when compared to the small external area needed to install storage silos.
Again, Zeppelin, the industry leader in the equipment market for more than 42 years, is participating in ambitious industry growth plans, providing complete solutions for storage and handling of dry solids.
In your factory investment process, consult Zeppelin's application engineers, so that your company will have a competitive edge.
Ricardo Borges dos Santos