Journey of solidarity, do you know where are going parts of our donations?

This very important project began with the personal effort of the Franciscan Friar Hans Stapel when he arrived in Brazil more than three decades ago.
Fazenda da Esperança has established itself as a therapeutic community for recovering dependents, the largest in Latin America.
With 35 years of experience, it has 139 farms spread around the world, 90 distributed in Brazil, and 49 spread out in 23 countries in Europe, Asia, and Africa.
The project regenerates lives and families through faith and pedagogical processes that raise self-esteem and rescue the dignity of the welcome.
Part of the process of recovery of high esteem is developed by labor and participation in the manufacture of products for sale and in agriculture for own consumption.
The Fazenda da Esperança operates with few financial resources. You can support this cause, visit and get the products!
Make your donation to Fazenda da Esperança, in this way it will help form a larger and stronger support structure as resources will be used to restore lives and families.
We do our part! For each satisfaction survey received from our customers, Zeppelin Systems LA will donate a basket to the Fazenda da Esperança project.
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Small attitudes can transform lives!
Ricardo Santos

Meeting at Fazenda da Esperança in São Libório, Zona Rural, Guaratinguet

Products manufactured by Fazenda da Esperança