BERICAP expands the capacity of stock of raw material by acquiring 2 more Zeppelin Silos for the factory in Sorocaba - SP

BERICAP, a world leader in the manufacture of plastic lids, working with 23 plants in 20 countries, offers products with quality and standardized services, close to its customers.
In its 4 R & D centers, BERICAP develops innovative lids solutions for the various market segments in which it operates especially beverages, food, and chemical. Complex injection molds of up to 96 wells are built at your unit in Hungary. Its portfolio of covers ranges from single, multi-component, bi-injected and even valve-lids. Many solutions are customized for specific applications.
BERICAP DO BRAZIL LTDA, headquartered in Sorocaba / SP, is expanding its stockpile capacity by acquiring two more Zeppelin Silos, in addition to the six previously supplied.
All silos were supplied to Bericap on load cells and allow exact weight control. This makes it easy to control resins inventory inside the silos: state-of-the-art technology with precision and cost control.
The concept of storing feedstock in silos is increasingly present in the plants since the stored product is being verticalized, occupying less space and uncovered areas, whose costs are much smaller when compared to the significant area demanded storage of products.
Again, Zeppelin, a leader in the equipment market for over 40 years, is participating in the industry's ambitious growth plans, providing complete solutions for storage and handling of dry solids.
In your factory investment process, consult Zeppelin's application engineers, as this company will have a competitive edge.
Ricardo Borges dos Santos

Sorocaba plant

Silos on load cell